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Wrist Pain


Medical consultation

Dr. Luu Anh Hung

By Optimal365 Chiropractic
October 30, 2024

Wrist pain is a sign of internal injuries such as tendonitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or injuries caused by overexertion. Symptoms include pain, numbness, swelling, stiffness, and limited mobility. If not treated promptly, it can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and even permanent disability. In this article, Optimal365 Chiropractic will provide you with a comprehensive overview, delving into the causes, symptoms, and most effective treatment methods for wrist pain.

What is Wrist Pain?

Wrist pain often arises from injuries to the joints or surrounding soft tissues, such as the tendon sheaths, bursa, tendons, and nerves. The pain is typically accompanied by sensations of stiffness, soreness, and swelling or warmth in one or both wrists. This may be a sign of serious injuries, such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or injuries caused by overexertion. Individuals who frequently use their wrists, such as office workers, tennis players, badminton players, and golfers, are more likely to experience this condition. If not examined and treated promptly, wrist pain can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and significantly impact hand function.

Causes of Wrist Pain

Wrist pain can arise from various causes, including injuries, medical conditions, and daily habits. Some common causes of wrist pain include:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm through the carpal tunnel in the wrist, is compressed, leading to persistent pain, numbness, and loss of sensation in the middle, index, and thumb fingers, as well as part of the ring finger. In more severe cases, the pain may radiate up the arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome tends to worsen when the patient flexes or extends the wrist or performs repetitive actions. According to surveys, individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome are often office workers who frequently use computers and maintain improper wrist positions (such as using an unsuitable keyboard and mouse) for prolonged periods, resulting in compression of the nerve from the wrist to the hand.

Arthritis: This condition causes swelling of the tissues surrounding the nerves, exerting pressure on the nerves.
Arthritis: This condition causes swelling of the tissues surrounding the nerves, exerting pressure on the nerves.
  • Wrist Injuries: Symptoms such as deformity, swelling, and bruising around the wrist joint due to direct injuries like sprains, tendinitis, dislocations, or fractures, often occur during sports activities. These are common causes of joint and soft tissue damage around the wrist.
  • Work and Daily Habits: Individuals who frequently use their wrists in tasks such as lifting heavy objects, typing, writing, or driving, as well as athletes who continuously use their wrists without breaks, can develop conditions like arthritis, tendon damage, and increased pressure on the nerves, leading to discomfort and wrist pain.
  • Medical Conditions: Other serious causes of wrist pain for many individuals include medical conditions such as: double crush syndrome, De Quervain’s syndrome, osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Issues with Surrounding Tissue: Wrist pain can also arise from problems in the soft tissue surrounding the wrist joint, such as ganglion cysts, wrist bursitis, tendinitis, and cartilage sclerosis.
Ganglion Cyst: A ganglion cyst is a benign tumor that forms due to the swelling of the synovial sheath surrounding the joints.
Ganglion Cyst: A ganglion cyst is a benign tumor that forms due to the swelling of the synovial sheath surrounding the joints.

Complications of Untreated Wrist Pain

Wrist pain often develops slowly and presents with intermittent pain, lacking clear symptoms. This can lead patients to be complacent, seeking medical attention only when the pain becomes severe. The complications resulting from prolonged pain can be very serious and significantly impact the quality of life, such as:

  • Muscle Weakness or Atrophy: Patients may find it difficult to perform actions requiring precision, experience a loss of control in the palm, and drop objects easily. This is a sign of muscle weakness and diminished wrist function.
  • Loss of Mobility: Prolonged inflammation or injury to the joints can result in a complete loss of the ability to use the wrist and perform daily activities such as writing, typing, or lifting objects. This condition can significantly restrict the patient’s level of mobility.
  • Chronic Pain: Persistent and recurring pain is common in conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
Continuous or Intermittent Pain: Prolonged wrist pain can be constant or may occur in episodes.
Continuous or Intermittent Pain: Prolonged wrist pain can be constant or may occur in episodes.
  • Muscle Atrophy and Joint Stiffness: Wrist pain will limit movement, which can lead to muscle weakness, resulting in atrophy, joint stiffness, and joint deformity. Severe complications may result in a loss of mobility.
  • Sensory Disorders: Pain, numbness, or loss of sensation in the hand can not only be uncomfortable but also increase the risk of injury. This occurs because the patient may not be able to feel pain or temperature from external sources.
  • Carpal Tunnel Narrowing: The narrowing of the joint spaces due to compression and prolonged damage to the cartilage is the primary cause. When the carpal tunnel narrows, the nerves experience increased pressure, leading to symptoms such as pain, tingling, and muscle weakness.

Solutions for Treating Wrist Conditions

For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be significantly improved with simple home treatment measures. You may consider the following suggestions:

  • Use pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. However, consult your doctor before using these medications, especially if you have a history of stomach or liver issues.
  • Position the keyboard and mouse lower than your elbows to avoid excessive wrist bending.
  • Take breaks every 30-60 minutes of work to relax your wrists by gently shaking or rotating them.
  • Use a wrist rest when working on the computer to reduce pressure on your wrists.
  • Apply a cold compress (wrapped in a thin towel) to reduce swelling and pain for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the first two days. After the first two days, you can switch to a warm compress to enhance blood circulation and reduce stiffness.
  • Limit activities that require excessive use of the wrists or repetitive motions.
  • Wear a wrist splint, especially while sleeping, to keep the wrist in a neutral position and reduce swelling. However, avoid wearing the splint too tightly or for extended periods.
A splint can help improve blood circulation to the wrist area, supporting the recovery process.
A splint can help improve blood circulation to the wrist area, supporting the recovery process.

For Wrist Injuries

When experiencing a wrist injury, timely first aid can help reduce pain, limit swelling, and promote the healing process. You can apply the following measures:

  • Minimize activities that use the wrist and keep the wrist elevated above heart level to reduce swelling.
  • Apply an ice pack (wrapped in a thin towel) to the injured area for about 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the first two days to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  • In some cases, a doctor may recommend using a wrist splint to stabilize the joint, helping to alleviate pain and support the healing process.
  • Use pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen as prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain.
NSAIDs work by inhibiting the enzymes that cause inflammation, helping to reduce swelling and pain in the wrist.
NSAIDs work by inhibiting the enzymes that cause inflammation, helping to reduce swelling and pain in the wrist.

Note: It is advisable to consult a doctor before use, especially for those with stomach or liver conditions.

For Non-Infectious Arthritis

Patients with non-infectious arthritis should combine the following measures to reduce pain, enhance function, and prevent disease progression:

  • Engage in gentle exercises focusing on improving flexibility and strength in the wrist. This can help reduce stiffness, enhance blood circulation, and alleviate pain. However, avoid strenuous activities or excessive training, especially when the wrist is inflamed.
  • Rest adequately to reduce pressure on the joints. It is advisable to limit repetitive activities that put stress on the wrist.
  • Ensure sufficient intake of essential nutrients for the joints, such as calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3. Limit inflammatory foods such as fast food and carbonated beverages.
Calcium helps strengthen bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and joint problems.
Calcium helps strengthen bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and joint problems.

Exercises to Reduce Wrist Pain

Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle groups around the wrist, supporting blood circulation, and reducing pressure on the nerves. Patients should exercise within their physical limits and feel the stretching of the tendons and ligaments around the wrist.

  • Wrist Flexion Exercise: Sit or stand straight, keeping your wrist straight. Make a fist with your fingers, then slowly bend your wrist forward (flex the wrist) and hold for 2 seconds. Next, bend your wrist backward (extend the wrist) and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat this motion 10-15 times on each side.
  • Wrist Rotation Exercise: Keep your arm straight, with your palm facing up, or hold a tennis ball or a small dumbbell lightly. Rotate your wrist clockwise and then counterclockwise. Perform this 10-15 times in each direction.
  • Wrist Stretching Exercise: Place one hand on the table with the palm facing up. Use the other hand to gently pull your fingers towards you to feel a light stretch in the wrist. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, then switch sides.
  • Grip and Release Exercise: Squeeze a small rubber ball tightly, holding for 5 seconds, then relax. Perform this 10-15 times to strengthen the muscles of the hand and wrist.
Wrist Stretching Exercises help improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.
Wrist Stretching Exercises help improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.

Note: It is advisable to practice these exercises daily for the best results. If you experience increased pain or discomfort, stop and consult your doctor. Additionally, these exercises should be combined with other treatment methods such as physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments for optimal effectiveness.

Treatment for Wrist Pain

To effectively treat wrist pain, doctors will base their treatment plan on the underlying cause of the condition and the extent of the damage.

  • Pain Relief Medication: Doctors may prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to quickly reduce symptoms of pain and swelling. Antibiotics will be prescribed if there is an infection.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: These injections are administered directly into the inflamed area to reduce pain and swelling, especially in cases of tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome that do not respond well to other treatment methods.
  • Physical Therapy: A therapist will guide you through specific exercises to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the wrist while also alleviating pain and restoring function. Techniques such as hot and cold compresses, ultrasound, and electrical therapy may also be applied.
  • Chiropractic Treatment: Chiropractic adjustments help correct misaligned joints, relieve pressure on nerves, and improve wrist function.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture can help relieve pain and relax muscles.
  • Wrist Brace: Using a brace stabilizes and protects the wrist from harmful movements, particularly effective in cases of tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Kinesio Taping: Kinesio tape provides pain relief, support, and stability to the wrist without restricting flexibility.
  • Surgery: In cases of severe injuries such as fractures, torn tendons, dislocations, or ligament release in carpal tunnel syndrome, surgery may be necessary to address the root problem.
Acupuncture helps regulate qi and blood flow, promoting the body’s self-healing.
Acupuncture helps regulate qi and blood flow, promoting the body’s self-healing.

Treatment for Wrist Pain at Optimal365 Chiropractic

At Optimal365 Chiropractic, we develop personalized treatment plans to effectively address wrist pain. These plans are designed for specific conditions to reduce pain, improve wrist function, and prevent recurrence. Treatment methods include:

  • Chiropractic Therapy: Chiropractic is an effective treatment for wrist pain, focusing on correcting misalignments in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vertebrae related to the wrist joint. This technique helps relieve compression on the median nerve in the wrist and surrounding soft tissues, reducing pain and improving joint function. By addressing the root causes of the pain, chiropractic promotes long-term relief and improved mobility in the wrist.
  • Deep Muscle Therapy: Deep muscle therapy helps reduce stiffness and fibrosis in the muscles surrounding the wrist. Muscle release and stretching can alleviate discomfort caused by muscle tightness. This method also aids in the quick recovery of injured wrist muscles and joints, enhancing wrist mobility.
  • High-Tech Therapy: High-tech therapy is an advanced method that rapidly reduces pain and inflammation due to issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. This approach utilizes modern technology to swiftly reduce swelling and inflammation, enhance recovery processes, efficiently regenerate tissue, and prevent recurrence. The high-tech machinery promotes collagen production, facilitating the recovery of tendons and ligaments around the wrist joint, yielding rapid recovery results that are five times more effective.
  • Rehabilitation Exercises: Rehabilitation exercises for wrist pain are tailored to individual conditions, enhancing flexibility and restoring wrist joint function. These exercises not only support quick recovery but also prevent recurrence. Additionally, maintaining a regular exercise routine will improve quality of life and ensure no complications arise after treatment.
Wrist Pain Treatment at Optimal365 Chiropractic
Wrist Pain Treatment at Optimal365 Chiropractic

Wrist pain can result from various causes, including injuries and chronic conditions, making it essential to accurately identify the underlying issue for effective treatment. Combining approaches like physical therapy, chiropractic care, and lifestyle changes can significantly aid in restoring wrist flexibility. For the best results, consult your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan at Optimal365 Chiropractic, tailored to your specific needs.

Reference source:

1. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, April 27). Spinal disease. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_disease

2. UT Southwestern Medical Center. (n.d.). Spine disorders. Retrieved from https://utswmed.org/conditions-treatments/spine-disorders/

3. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Spine injuries and disorders. Retrieved from https://medlineplus.gov/spineinjuriesanddisorders.html

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